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Don’t Accept Low Water Pressure — Instead Troubleshoot It

Troubleshooting low water pressure is a DIY-friendly process that may help you resolve the problem yourself or simply describe it more accurately when you consult a professional plumber. Low water pressure usually doesn’t become an issue until household pressure drops below about 40 psi. At that point, symptoms such as long fill times for washing machines and toilet tanks, and weak shower function become very noticeable.

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How Concerned Should You Be If Your Home’s Heat Pump Freezes Over?

How concerned should you be if your heat pump freezes over?  Maybe not very—at least, not just yet. If a light coating of frost appears on the heat pump’s external coils, as well as the refrigerant lines that run into the house, it probably just means the outdoor temperature’s dropped to 40 degrees or below and the amount of water vapor in the air is above 70 percent. Since the heat pump coil typically runs about 20 degrees lower than the outdoor temperature, dew forming on the cold coil and refrigerant conduit freezes into a dusty layer of frost.

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Winter Allergies That Can Affect Newton MA Homeowners

Although the spring season gets a lot of attention for the proliferation of allergies, the truth is that winter allergies are nothing to -- pardon the pun -- sneeze at. There are a number of elements that can irritate the respiratory system of someone suffering from allergies, and your best defense is learning some of these and how to control them.

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