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Attic Ventilation: A Year-Round Concern for Newton MA Area Homeowners

attic ventilationBecause attic air circulation is usually insufficient for any season, proper attic ventilation should be an all-year concern for homeowners. Most attics are an enclosed, unconditioned zone of acute temperature and moisture conditions that vary with the climate. What happens up there directly affects comfort levels and energy efficiency in the home. By the same token, household activities also influence attic conditions. Adequate attic ventilation helps smooth out the spikes of temperature and moisture in the attic year-round.  

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Make Sure Your Newton MA Home Is Set With Proper Insulation



Using the fall months to verify that your insulation is adequate for the upcoming winter will help you cut energy bills and avoid serious problems the cold can create. You can check the insulation levels in your home by checking the level in the attic, the walls and the basement ceiling, and adding more if it's necessary.

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