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Winter Allergies That Can Affect Newton MA Homeowners

Although the spring season gets a lot of attention for the proliferation of allergies, the truth is that winter allergies are nothing to -- pardon the pun -- sneeze at. There are a number of elements that can irritate the respiratory system of someone suffering from allergies, and your best defense is learning some of these and how to control them.

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Indoor Mold Prevention Is Key, Mold Removal Is Critical

Indoor mold in our New England homes has the potential to be either a problem or a threat. Mold spores come inside and can reproduce into colonies only with the proper conditions. Moisture is one of them.

Leaks in roofs, under sinks and in damp basements create an environment where mold can grow and spread. Areas of high humidity such as laundry areas or bathrooms can also provide the necessary humid areas for mold growth.

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